DeLalio Seasonal Lawn Guide
Preparation of Site
TurfGrass Management Calender
DeLalio Seasonal
Lawn Guide
Turf Knowledge
Dura-SOD Maintenance
Early Spring - April


Apply to lawn:
Over seeding lawn area
Fertilizer 10-20-5 or Starter pre plant for lawn renovation work
Crabgrass Pre-Emergent - Tenacity and 21-22-4 with Mesotrione are the only crabgrass pre-emergents that can be used when overseeding.
Spring - Early Summer - May/June
Apply to lawn:
Second application of crabgrass pre-emergent
Second application of fertilizer 20-8-8 or 17-3-4
Post emergence weed control
Insecticide to control surface insects
Fungicide to prevent lawn fungus
Mid-Late Summer - July/August
Apply to lawn:
Third application of fertilizer 20-8-8 or 17-3-4
Post Emergence weed control
Insecticide to prevent surface insects
Control active grubs - apply Dylox from August 15th on
Granular or liquid Fungicide
Early - Late Fall – September/October
Time to renovate lawn to correct summer damage
Apply to lawn:
Fourth application of fertilizer fertilizer 20-8-8 or Starter 10-20-5 or Starter/ fall fertilizer for lawn renovation work
Overseed lawn areas